Celebrating Calling - Spring 2024
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Following the success of our three Celebrating Calling events held thus far – to which over forty people have come – the Towards Ministry team is excited to now be advertising the next in the series, and the first face-to-face one of 2024.
Last year we met guests in Hamilton and Aberdeen and in mid-February this year we offered an online version, specifically aimed at those living in more outlying areas. This time around, we’re going to be Celebrating Calling in Torrance, within the Presbytery of Glasgow but with the geographies of the various presbyteries in mind, reachable from Clyde and from the western end of Perth, the northern end of South West and the southern end of Clèir Eilean Ì.
As always Celebrating Calling is for anyone who is considering ministry within the Church of Scotland, whether that flows out of strong conviction or, to date, only the faintest inkling. And while these sessions are particularly for those who want to think about our nationally-recognised ministries – Readership, Diaconal Ministry, Ordained Local Ministry or Ministry of Word and Sacrament – the door is open to anyone who wants to think about serving more generally and who might not yet have any clarity about what that will look like.
As well as offering opportunity for questions and answers and one-to-one conversations, the event will feature presentations and group sessions through which the team will:
· cover the discernment process and its four ‘E’s – Explore, Enquire, Evaluate, Enter
· lay out the principles and practicalities of how we select and prepare people for ministry
· look to encourage guests by introducing various of our people, among them some who themselves have recently come through the process and are now in ministry of one form or another.
The event (which is free to attend) is taking place on Saturday 11th May, beginning at 10.30am with coffee and finishing with worship and prayer in time for 2.30pm departures. The venue is Torrance Parish Church on the north side of Glasgow. You can express interest and register to come by emailing ministry@churchofscotland.org.uk. Upon receipt of such emails, we’ll send all of the necessary information.
Interested? Even tentatively? This event comes into the ‘what have you got to lose?’ category! We’d love to meet you to address questions and concerns and most importantly, to hear from you about what you sense God might be doing in your life.