Presbytery Mission Planning
Finance Committee
The remit of the group shall include the following but could be amended in the future:Provide guidelines for treasurers to ensure a smooth and effective transition from nine separate presbyteries into one, with a mechanism for the transfer of funds, and control of these.Oversight of merging separate presbytery accounts into one.Exercise oversight of Presbytery’s finance.Applying powers granted…
Land and Property Committee
Standing Orders and Remit of Property Committee. To work at all times in co-operation with the Buildings Officer or Officers. To be a resource to congregations seeking advice and guidance on property matters in conjunction with the General Trustees and relevant Assembly bodies To encourage and support congregations who are working towards creating 'the right space in the right…
Ministry and Mission Committee
The Ministry and Mission Committee will seek to shape and then implement the instructions, policies, priorities and strategic objectives of the General Assembly relating to Mission and Ministry. It will work within the Presbytery to achieve a collaborative approach with the purpose of nurturing the people of the Church in their witness, worship and service.The work of the committee will fall…