Finance Committee
The remit of the group shall include the following but could be amended in the future:
- Provide guidelines for treasurers to ensure a smooth and effective transition from nine separate presbyteries into one, with a mechanism for the transfer of funds, and control of these.
- Oversight of merging separate presbytery accounts into one.
- Exercise oversight of Presbytery’s finance.
- Applying powers granted by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR), due to the Church’s Designated Religious Charity status, in respect of overseeing congregational finance. Obligation fulfilled by the examination and attestation of Congregational Accounts for the previous financial year prior to their submission to OSCR.
- Monitoring of congregational contributions in respect of Giving to Grow.
- The preparation of a Presbytery Budget and the requirements for Presbytery Dues from congregations, both to be approved at the November meeting (unless a later date is agreed).
- The provision of training and support for Congregational Finance Committees and Treasurers, where this is required.
- Promoting stewardship by encouraging giving of time, talent, and money in all congregations.
- Considering grant applications from congregations in line with requirements agreed by Presbytery.
- Managing the Presbytery’s investments and trust funds.
- Where necessary, the provision of financial information to Presbytery Committees.
- Aim to grow income and develop plans for financial sustainability in addition to Presbytery Dues.
- Mitigating Presbytery’s financial risks by identifying and monitoring appropriate control measures.
- To work with the Presbytery Treasurer to administer Presbytery finances, including submitting the Annual Report and Accounts for Presbytery approval at the Presbytery’s April (TBC) meeting.
- To work with the Presbytery Treasurer to prepare the Presbytery Budget for the coming year at its end of year meeting.
- To process and make recommendations to Presbytery in regard to applications to all Presbytery Funds.
- To arrange for the completion of financial schedules in connection with vacancies.