Land and Property Committee

Standing Orders and Remit of Property Committee. 

  1. To work at all times in co-operation with the Buildings Officer or Officers. 
  2. To be a resource to congregations seeking advice and guidance on property matters in conjunction with the General Trustees and relevant Assembly bodies 
  3. To encourage and support congregations who are working towards creating 'the right space in the right places'. 
  4. To work appropriately with other Presbytery committees in pastorally supportive ways, particularly in situations where property matters are a contributory factor for wider deliberations. 
  5. To arrange for the annual inspection of property registers and to administer the five yearly inspection of properties. 
  6. To disseminate to congregations advice and information received from other bodies with expertise on property related matters. 
  7. To arrange for manse inspections or survey of buildings, as appropriate, during a congregation’s period of vacancy. 
  8. To make recommendations to Presbytery on property applications where costs would exceed the financial limits set from time to time by the General Trustees (presently £15,000)or £12,000 ex vat, subject also to limits set by Presbytery
  9. To make recommendations to Presbytery on property applications where costs are below the financial limits set from time to time by the General Trustees, or presbytery but where congregations seek financial assistance in the form of grants or loans. 
  10. To work at all times within the parameters set by the Acts and Regulations of the General Assembly and also those set by the Presbytery Plan. 
  11. To arrange for the release of congregational funds, in agreement with the acts and regulations of the General Assembly, held in the Consolidated Fabric Fund. 
  12. To defer determining an application and to remit it with or without comment to the Ministries Committee when thought appropriate.

Delegated powers

To dispose of all applications by a two-thirds majority within the committee in respect of fabric and furnishings with the following exceptions, in which case the application must be brought to the floor of Presbytery:- 

  • The application is for work of more than £50,000. 
  • The property concerned is other than “a” category in the Presbytery Plan, unless there are pressing issues with Health and Safety considerations and / or local trustee obligation to keep properties wind and watertight requires immediate action. 
  • The Property Committee is aware of congregational conflict. 
  • The initial application by any congregation, irrespective of building category, is seeking to effect major refurbishment or reconfiguration of their premises. 
  • The application is from a congregation, which has a justified Mission and Ministry shortfall 
  • The application is from a congregation, which is making loan repayments. 
  • In all cases where a building is listed.

All decisions taken under delegated powers are to be recorded by means of the Extract Minute form as approved by Presbytery. 

All decisions taken under delegated powers are to be reported to the next ordinary meeting of Presbytery.