Ministry and Mission Committee

The Ministry and Mission Committee will seek to shape and then implement the instructions, policies, priorities and strategic objectives of the General Assembly relating to Mission and Ministry.  It will work within the Presbytery to achieve a collaborative approach with the purpose of nurturing the people of the Church in their witness, worship and service.

The work of the committee will fall into three main themes in line with the Faith Action Leadership Team

Mission Support

1 – Equipping, inspiring, resourcing and supporting our congregations within Cleir Elean I and linking to the national team and national initiatives

2 – Engaging with congregations and sign posting to national and international education and support, as well as providing Presbytery opportunities for learning.

3 – Supporting congregations to explore new ways of being Church

4 – Encouraging and supporting the development of the Churches ministry and mission in priority areas

5 – Developing a digital strategy

6 – Supporting the work of the presbytery within education and schools with a commitment to Gaelic.

7 – Supporting ministries through pastoral support.

People and Training

1 – Recruiting, resourcing and training people intentionally for the mission of God, especially nurturing those who are new to faith.

2 – Appoint support teams for those new to ministry, and others newly appointed to other ministries

3 - Work with the Mission enabling officer in mutual support. 

4 - Support, as appropriate, the Mission Districts in the work allocated to them by Presbytery.

5 - Act as the Vacancy Procedure Committee of Presbytery in implementation of Act VIII, 2003 anent Vacancy Procedure; and additionally 

  1. monitor and supervise all vacancies and to report to Presbytery thereon;
  2. monitor and supervise the Vacancy Advisory Committees; 
  3. give instructions to the VACs as and when required including instructions to the VACs to furnish additional support to Nominating Committees and to furnish reports on any vacancy as and when required; 
  4. place advertisements in relation to any vacancy with the concurrence of the Nominating Committee(s); and 

act as the Nominating Committee of Presbytery under section 26(a)(i) of Act VIII, 2003. Adjudicate on suitability of locum tenens, grant or withhold concurrence and determine the period of appointment to conform with Presbytery planning.

Public Life and Social Justice

1 – Equipping the Presbytery to pursue God’s mission of inclusivity, social justice and care for creation presbytery wide, and around the world.

2 – Support activities of congregations in engaging with national and international issues of justice, peace and the integrity of creation, with priority for inclusion of those who are marginalised or struggle against poverty.

3 - Engaging policies which contribute to public life by developing and sharing the witness of the Church with government, parliament, ecumenical partners, faith groups, and civil society, and supporting the exchange of information and opinions between national institutions and presbytery and congregations.

4 – Provide a space in which to explore theologically, reflect, discuss and respond as a Church to important local and public matters that arise.

Resource and presence

1 – Engaging people with the mission of God through the optimisation of assets in an ethical and values driven way

2 – Maximising and promoting national opportunities for funding and resources to enable and equip mission locally