Extra Presbytery Meeting
Tuesday, August 13, 2024

We invite you to take part in an important, extra meeting of Clèir Eilean Ì, as detailed above, in order to finalise our unified Presbytery Mission Plan. You will all be aware of the amount of work already undertaken by our legacy Presbyteries, and over the recent months by CEI’s Mission Planning Committee to draw together and complete the Plan. In particular, we needed to complete the parts of the plan covering Caithness, parts of Sutherland, and also Uist and Harris – and we needed to do this in order to present our unified and updated Mission Plan to the Presbytery Mission Plan Implementation Group (PMPIG), in time to gain their assent ahead of our own Presbytery Conference on September 11th this year, when – among other things – we will seek to agree the final plan, and get on with the business of making it happen….all Zoom links and paperwork has now been issued - please email AAnderson@churchofscotland.org.uk if you do not have this. PLEASE WATCH THIS SPACE AND FACEBOOK FOR UPDATES ON OUR HUB LOCATIONS THAT ARE OPERATING.