News and Upcoming Events

May 2024

eXp Report - May 2024

By Amanda Anderson / 21st May 24

Please have a look at ExP Report May 17th 2024 – by Susan Whyte, Team Lead/MDS CEI Presbytery, click HERE to view Read more

Getting to know folks around Clèir Eilean Ì.....

By Amanda Anderson / 8th May 24

The first in a series of conversations, getting to know folks around Clèir Eilean Ì…Conversation with Lizzie Brayshaw, Presbytery Adviser with a specific remit for ministry with the ‘under 40s’.SPECIAL THANKS TO REV DONALD MCCORKINDALE FOR ORGANISING THIS AND SETTING UP ALL THINGS ‘TECH’… Read more

Boys’ Brigade - Queens Award

By Amanda Anderson / 2nd May 24

Congrats to these young gentlemen! What an achievement... On Thursday 2nd May the 1st Culloden Boys' Brigade held their annual parents and awards evening. Four boys gained their Queens Award. This is the top award in the Brigade. These boys are the last to receive this. Going forward boys coming… Read more
Can you help....volunteer? Cafe 1668 in Inverness needs you! Please spread the word...One thing they really could use right now is some more volunteers, especially on the free meal days of Monday, Wednesday and Friday between about 11am and 2pm. You don't need experience, just a willingness to make… Read more