
1st Annual Conference

By Amanda Anderson / 18th Sep 24


Our 1st Annual Conference took place on 11th September 2024 at The Ben Nevis Hotel, Fort William, bringing together around 180 individuals, either in person or online.

The theme of the conference was “Building Church” - as well as our usual Presbytery business, we came together in song and prayer and communion and we enjoyed the fellowship this brought - led by our Moderator Rev D McRoberts.  Being able to ‘put names to faces’ was especially welcomed considering our Presbyteries land mass coverage.

Our packed day, was a chance to embrace fellowship; communicate with each other, learn and grow, listen to each other and spread the ‘Good News’ of Jesus Christ - together and as a Presbytery.

Moving forward, Clèir Eilean Ì plans to hold topic-specific workshops and a conference each year, each hosted in various locations across the Presbytery (size permitting). Each conference will be an opportunity to showcase the work and people, and the progress made throughout our congregations and communities within Presbytery. These gatherings will bring together people from all parts of our Presbytery and Church community to work together, share ideas, create awareness and find new ways to spread God's word.

Our Clerk, Rev Dr Rory MacLeod reflects on the day below as we now plan and prepare for next years gathering.

“... searmonaich am facal, bi deiseil nuair a tha e goireasach 's nuair nach eil e goireasach, thoir am follais, cronaich, misnich, leis a huile fhadfhulangas is theagasg.” 2 Timòteus 4.2 Dìreach nuair a thòisich sinn ràith ùr, thig an t-samhradh. Ach cha bu chòir dhuinn gearan a dhèanamh: is fheàrr anmoch na gu bràth, nach ann? Mhòl an t-abstol Pòl do Thimòteus gum bu chòir esan a bhith deiseil ge b’ e an ràith is a tha e. Ach dè an t-adhbhar airson a dheiseileachd? Gus a dhleastanas mar dheisciobal Chrìosd a dhèanamh gu dearbh agus uaireanan ’s e cronachadh a th’ann an sàs agus uaireanan misneachadh a th’ann. A bharrachd air sin, feumaidh sinn a’ giùlan le fad-fhulangas agus teagasg daonnan. A week on from our first in-person conference, Clèir Eilean Ì’s Business Committee has been picking up the pieces and learning the lessons. Thanks to everyone who prayed, helped, attended (including those who joined online) and then offered feedback. We are learning all the time, which means that our collective experience is going to improve and, by God’s grace, we shall become ever more faithful and effective in our fellowship and in our outreach. The proof of that will be next year’s conference, which Amanda and her team are already working towards... There will be setbacks and discouragements but we have the choice over whether these sink us or make us better swimmers. Please don’t forget that we are on a mission: His Majesty’s Sacred Service. That adds an eternal significance to everything that we do and the people we are becoming. Life can feel complicated, with social media swirling around, paperwork coming out of our ears and an endless procession of meetings to attend but what matters most is the cut and thrust of everyday life wherever we live and work. Clèir Eilean Ì exists to support you in living faithfully and locally. The extent to which we make a positive difference, providing resources and reducing your admin burden, is the measure of our success. Please keep engaged..."