COS Learning Hub
Categories: Training & Learning
Church of Scotland Learning serves as the primary educational platform for congregations. Within this hub, you'll find a diverse array of resources designed to aid your personal Christian growth or support the development of your church community.
Topics to explore include:
Conversations in Discipleship: Reflecting on what it means to follow Jesus.
Exploring Discipleship: Starting or deepening the journey of following Jesus together.
Talking about your faith: Gaining confidence in sharing Jesus with others.
New Ways of Being Church: Learning to pioneer and take early steps in the faith journey.
Knowing You, Knowing Me: Theological reflection for everyone.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Principles for best practice.
Unconscious Bias and Me: Understanding and reflecting on unconscious biases.
Vows for elders: Understanding the promises made by elders.
Vows for Ministers of Word and Sacraments: Exploring ordination vows.
While most materials can be used individually, facilitator notes are also available for congregations and presbyteries to offer these materials in group settings. We encourage you to explore these courses and reach out to friends, ministers, or the Mission Support team in CEI Presbytery to enquire about courses or plans to start one.
To register now for free access to the Church of Scotland Learning Hub click here