Swap Shop
Categories: Health & Wellbeing
Welcome to our Presbytery ‘Swap Shop’ - a place to offer up items that could be useful to other congregations and community projects and events….. et us know if it is for sale, FREE or can be borrowed… IF IT IS STILL LISTED, IT IS STILL AVAILABLE
Item | Description | Cost | Contact |
Storage Space | looking for storage space for promotional materials and banners | free | Amanda Anderson AAnderson@churchofscotland.org.uk |
Bread Plates | redundant wooden communion bread plates that can continue to be used in the Lord's service but in a new home? | free | Annabel Mowat annabel.mowat@btopenworld.com |
Promotional | Presbytery has a small range of promotional items - tables, pop up banners, stands etc for borrowing use | borrow | Amanda Anderson AAnderson@churchofscotland.org.uk |
Robes & Cassock/Gown | We have been gifted with very precious robes from a late Minister by his wife, she would like these to go to someone who can continue to use these and feels it's time for these to be gifted to a new owner. Light grey cassock and black robes - approx size 38" chest. | free | Please contact AAnderson@churchofscotland.org.uk in the first instance |
Learn Eldership | We are looking for spare (currently unused) copies of 'Learn Eldership' | free | Rev Donald McCorkindale DMcCorindale@churchofscotland.org.uk |